With iTunes, you can easily DJ a party by using the party shuffle playlist. This playlist selects a few songs from your library at random and allows you to rearrange upcoming songs. ...
Playing audiobooks and podcasts is a lot like playing your music, but there's a couple of nice features iTunes offers to make it easy. For example, you can bookmark an audiobook. ...
With music sharing and iTunes, you can share you music with any other computers running iTunes in the same home. For example, you can play music from your desktop computer on your laptop. ...
With the iTunes music store, it's easy to recommend music to friends and family, no matter where they are. All you need to do is make a playlist and publish it to the iTunes music store. ...
iTunes makes it easy to make a backup copy of your iTunes music store purchases to a CD or a DVD. A CD will hold about 100 songs; a DVD will hold about 500 songs. ...
To use your iPod to move your music, you must sync your library to your iPod as data into a folder. ...
Although rare, sometimes a purchased song or video doesn't download properly. If this happens, there are methods iTunes provides to look for the lost music. ...
Did you know the iPod bar graph in iTunes display has hidden view modes? It's true and Veronica uncovers them in this video. ...
In this episode I show you how to create and utilize smart playlists. You may be asking yourself, what exactly is a "smart" playlist? A smart playlist is a playlist that is constructed based on parame ...
How To Access Your ITunes Radio Stations If You Have A PC: This film will show you the way to access iTunes radio stations if you are using a PC. ...