In this video from wadeputtii we learn how to authorize or de-authorize a computer on iTunes. Go to iTunes, sign into your account. Now click on Share and you will see Authorize Computer or Deauthor ...

You may not realize it but when you buy music or movies from iTunes, you have to authorize it to be used on a computer and you can only authorize five computers. It's pretty easy to buy and replace c ...

This short video tutorial will show you how to transfer your iTunes library to a new computer. Follow these steps to transfer your iTunes library from your old to your new computer: Install iTunes ont ...

This video teaches the secrets of burning a CD from a playlist in iTunes in simple steps. First open the iTunes, click 'File' and select 'new playlist'. Now click 'music' and go to your library to sel ...

Veronica of Tekzilla shows you how to browse iTunes without launching the application on this episode of Tekzilla Daily. To check the availability of a specific song without launching iTunes go to URL ...

This video tutorial features Lisa Bettany, describing how to create your own ringtones on your iPhone. First you need to modify your import settings to aac encoder, then make sure you list high qualit ...

Veronica Belmont from Tekzilla shares a tip for finding lost podcasts without unsubscribing and resubscribing to the feed. To do this by a simple keyboard combo fist close the disclosure triangle so t ...

If you have iTunes and want to dress up your song or album listings with album artwork, this video outlines how to get art for free. Users simply need to select which iTunes they want art for and then ...

iTunes offers the ability to extract and copy data with its rip and burn functions. Ripping lets you import songs into your iTunes library from a variety of sources. Burning lets you write audio files ...